Saturday, May 22, 2010

in which i also create things

Well, it has been quite a long time coming, but I finally properly completed it: The Tie Skirt. It feels like I've been working on it for aaaaaages, but really it's only been like two months, and out of that, it was only really about two-weeks worth of evenings.

I didn't use a pattern, but with something like this you don't really need one. Just make sure you got the ties at the right length, pin then to a ribbon big enough to fit around your waist (or your hips, if waist-height's not your thing), and then sew all the ties together. Use any leftover tie ends to fill in the gaps, and you're done!


  1. That is truly awesome!

    Like, :D

  2. Oh my! I always wanted to do that but I was never sure whether it would work! Love it! xx
