Thursday, April 1, 2010

let me peer into my crystal ball ...

And see what trends await us!

Obviously, military style is back to being everywhere again. Seriously, if you don't have a military jacket by now, you should probably consider saving up your [Australian equivalent of] pennies and getting one, since from the looks of things they'll be returning every winter from now, until the end of time.

Balmain Military Wool Jacket
(okay, so this one is wayyyyy too expensive, but it's so awesome)

Military jackets aren't the be-all-and-end-all of the style though, so if you're looking for a way to militarise your style, you could try one of these lovelies:

ASOS Military Safety Pin Brooch

Lace is something I suspect we will be seeing more of. Yesterday I think I counted about 20 different uni folks wandering about with some kind lace overlay. I still don't know whether I like it yet, but I think it defiantly adds something to an otherwise plain outfit.

Pixie Lace Crop Tee

Like the lace trend, shoulder definition is making a comeback (although thankfully not totally in the form of shoulder pads):

Spirit Dust Top

Other trends to watch out for are:

The Oxford boot
I have absolutely fallen in love with this style. very, very cute.

The Tuxedo Blazer
This is a great one for the transitional months, where it's too cold to be in just a t-shirt, but it's not cold enough for a heavy winter coat. It looks absolutely gorgeous over a flower-print dress.

Black Cat Tuxedo Blazer

Statement Tights (or leggings)

Tights aren't just a good way to keep warm in a skirt or dress any more! There are so many pattern tights and leggings to choose from, they're an excellent way to brighten all those winter greys and blacks.

Wild Child Leggings

Chanel-style Cardigans
Or any sort of cardigan really.

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